FAME is an exhibition platform and social enterprise, it has a two-fold mission: empowering and uniting female artists and designers of the MENA region, and celebrating their stories to bring about social change by showcasing the talent and diversity of the modern MENA woman. Founded in female community and creativity, FAME strives to achieve its mission by providing a global platform where voices of self-expression and self-identification of the female artists can be heard louder and disseminated further through unity. We believe that it is in community that gender equality in the arts can be transformed, by allowing the artists’ unique lens on the female experience in the MENA region to speak for itself and create an authentic, modern narrative. In supporting these unique and powerful voices, each collector becomes an active protagonist towards achieving our mission and in aiding social change, together.
Our Mission

At FAME we believe that the authenticity of our vision to support female artists cannot be expressed better than through action. FAME is invested in advocating the empowerment of women in the workforce and gender equality across MENA, as well as around the world. As part of a now global movement, we are dedicated to being part of this community by collaborating with stable and responsible institutions that support this cause. We are convinced that the security of future societies depends on women having more opportunities available in order to leverage social change and influence gender equality favourably. We plan to do this through women’s art and design because art belongs to all, it is a form of communication for both men and women that bypasses all boundaries and stereotypes and brings about new narratives of the modern woman by showcasing her talent and diversity.
Giving Back

We highlight the stories of our artists and designers by creating live and online exhibitions, symposiums, artist talks, art residencies, pop-up galleries, social events, and collaborations with trail blazer speakers and personalities who share the same vision as FAME for women empowerment in the MENA region. Through these events, we strive to build a strong community in which female artists feel supported, have the creative space to showcase their talents, culture and resilience to the MENA region, Europe and around the world.