ARE creates visual pieces that combine the traditional with the contemporary, combining both motifs to turn echoes of our pasts into visions of our futures. The energy of these creations, not unlike the ephemeral energy of a lucid dream, has been captured in a “frame”to transport the viewer and help them reach a greater understanding of their culture.
Whats in a culture? Not just its people, but the memories and experiences that have shaped them through the centuries. These sources of inspiration;these emotions, colors, textures, patterns, and repetitions, are what we draw on, harnessing their powerinto art pieces that strike at what makes up our collective purpose and souls.
These clashes of tradition and modernity aren’t flawless –a fact we’ve come to embrace. These flaws, or “glitches,”born from the clash of opposites are what we consider the essence of the beauty in the furniture we create. The sublime is ARE’s playground, and using it, we create lasting works of art.